Empowering Communities, Building Futures: Our Tribal Commitment in Construction
Tulley Creek Community Center
Client: Yurok Tribe
Value: $4.27M
Tulley Creek Community Center Project (Tulley Creek, CA) - Design-Build 9,500 SF community center with Community Swimming Pool, Council Chambers, Offices, Community Gathering Space, Parking Lot, and Park Area
Kepel Head Start
Client: Yurok Tribe
Value: $3.85M
Kepel Head Start Project (Pecwan, CA) - Design-Build 8,500 SF Head Start with 5 Classrooms, Staff Office Space, Kitchen, Playground Equipment
Powerline Extension Project
Client: USDA Rural Utilities Service
Value: $19,231,422
Powerline Extension Project (Humboldt County, CA) - Installed 6.8 miles of above-ground power line from Weitchpec to Wautec.
Yurok Hotel and Casino
Client: Yurok Tribe
Value: $16,137,067
Yurok Hotel and Casino (Klamath, CA) - Constructed a 55,537 sq. ft. facility featuring a casino with 125 slot machines, and a 60-room Holiday Inn Express.
Tulley Creek Emergency Center
Client: Department of Treasury
Value: $5,657,398
Tulley Creek Emergency Center (Weitchpec, CA) - Constructed two buildings totaling 14,626 sq. ft. to house Emergency Services (Fire and Office of Emergency Services), offices, vehicle bays, and training space.
Klamath Emergency Operations Center
Client: Department of Treasury
Value: $5,300,000
Klamath Emergency Operations Center (Klamath, CA) - Constructed an18,652 sq. ft. building to house emergency facilities, a gymnasium, a kitchen, and offces.
Sheridan Creek – Deep Gulch (SC-DG) River Restoration Project
Client: Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Trinity River Restoration Program
Value: $5,280,000
Sheridan Creek – Deep Gulch (SC-DG) River Restoration Project (Junction City, CA) - A large-scale ecological restoration construction project that included 36 acres and 1.3 linear miles of implementation within the wild and scenic corridor of the Trinity River. This was a joint project with the Hoopa Valley Tribe. The Yurok Tribe managed the overall implementation and sequencing of the project.
Klamath Administration Building
Client: Yurok Tribe
Value: $4,230,000
Klamath Administration Building (Klamath, CA) - Constructed a 30,312 sq. ft. facility featuring spaces for administrative offices, offices for the tribal council and chairperson, and an auditorium.
Chapman Ranch River Restoration Project
Client: Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Trinity River Restoration Program
Value: $4,100,000
Chapman Ranch River Restoration Project (Junction City, CA - Side C) - A large-scale ecological restoration construction project that included 103 acres and 1.0 linear miles of implementation within the wild and scenic corridor of the Trinity River. This was a joint project with the Hoopa Valley Tribe. The Yurok Tribe managed the overall implementation and sequencing of the project.
Bucktail River Restoration Project
Client: Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Trinity River Restoration Program
Value: $3,600,000
Bucktail River Restoration Project (Lewiston, CA) - A large-scale ecological restoration construction project that included 110 acres and 1.1 linear mile of implementation within the wild and scenic corridor of the Trinity River. This was a joint project with the Hoopa Valley Tribe. The Yurok Tribe managed the overall implementation and sequencing of the project.
Yurok Veterans Cemetery
Client: Department of Veterans Affairs
Value: $3,245,220
Yurok Veterans Cemetery (Hoopa, CA) - Constructed a 20-acre cemetery for Yurok veterans featuring 500 burials sites, a main entrance, roads, an assembly area, and a committal shelter.
Yurok Tribe Environmental Program (YTEP)
The Yurok Tribe Environmental Program (YTEP) has 20 fulltime employees working under the framework of five divisions including: Water Quality, Pollution Prevention, Community & Ecosystems, Food Sovereignty and Enforcement, and Response and Education. Through a sound scientific approach and application of Yurok traditional ecological knowledge, YTEP addresses a wide range of issues that impact the environment. YTEP has specific expertise in the following areas: Water Quality, Environmental Cleanup Assessment and Response, Air Quality Monitoring, and Regulatory and Compliance.